PRAY TO END ABORTION p We should have frequent recourse to prayer, and persevere a long time in it. God wishes to be solicited. He is not weary of hearing us. The treasure of His graces is infinite. We can do nothing more pleasing to him than to beg incessantly that He bestow them upon us. St John Baptist de la Salle
The Center for Disease Control received reports of 629,898 abortions in 2019, the last full year of available data. The agency started tracking the number of legal abortions in the United States in 1969. Providers voluntarily submit data to states, which means the dataset is incomplete (and it excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire), so the actual number is far higher. A model-based approach developed by researchers from the Guttmacher Institute, World Health Organization and United Nations puts the average annual number of abortions in the U.S. around 886,000.
The Center for Disease Control says that over 400 women have died from legal abortions.
planned parenthood executed 328,348 babies in 2015.
The King will answer and say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." Matthew 25:31-46
The Creator of life never had an unwanted or an unloved baby.
Creation occurs at conception.
pro-life prolifIn 1857 the US Supreme Court ruled, in the Dred Scott Decision, that slaves and their descendents were private property, not citizens, and therefore were not protected by the Constitution and had no rights, they were not even allowed to enter into any legal contracts including marriage.
In 1868 the 14th Amendment was passed making all those born in the US a citizen, nullifying the Dred Scott Decision.
Roe vs Wade was similar to the Dred Scott Decision in that the members of the Supreme Court knew that slavery was evil and they knew that abortion was murder but they hid behind technicalities in the law to promote slavery and abortion.
pro-life prolife The US Supreme Court, then and now, and the US Congress, then and now, have chosen to ignore the principles that are fundamental to this unique country.
The Declaration Of Independence states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
pro-life prolife For those in court or congress who ignore the implications of the truth, let them be informed that science has ended the argument and confirmed the question of when life begins. We have always known and now science confirms that at the instant of creation in the womb that each human being has been given his or her own identification and DNA from our Creator.
pro-life prolife
Love turns one person into two and two into one. Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel
History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives. Abba Eban
The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. Elie Wiesel
There can be no peace in this world as long as we make war against the unborn child, the most vulnerable of all human beings.
It is a great poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
See the Page "Mother Teresa" for a copy of the speech that she gave at the President's Prayer Breakfast.
For the last few days, the incoming mail on my computer has been filled with concern about the actions of the man who is, unfortunately, our president. Actually, he is showing himself to be a moral moron, who has no concern about the sacredness of human life, about the evil of abortion and sterilization, and about the freedom of religion of the citizens of this nation. If we Catholics were a relatively small group that could qualify as a cult, or a marginal religion holding odd views like those who travel by horse-and-buggy, or who refuse to salute the flag, or to seek medical treatment even for their gravely ill children, the situation would be somewhat different. But we are the single largest religious denomination in the nation. The contributions which the Catholic Church has made and continues to make to the education of American children and young people, the health care for the sick of this country regardless of race, creed, and color, and the social work among the needy of our national community are all enormous. Our willingness to defend even with our very lives the principles of American liberty has been second to none. And now Barak Obama is willing to force us to close all our health-care facilities if we cannot in conscience perform abortions and other procedures which violate the fifth commandment of the law of God. Catholic service men and women have served, fought, and died in every sector of our military establishment. For what? For the freedoms which President Franklin Roosevelt famously identified as “the four freedoms”: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. And now this man in the White House is trying to overturn our freedom of religion, and even more basically, to overturn the right of the children of our nation to their own lives. My dear friends, pray for our nation at this crucial moment in our history; pray for the Church in America at this moment, and do what you can to add your support to that of our American bishops and religious leaders of many kinds. They are trying to uphold morality and human rights in a nation in which one man, totally without competence in the field of morality and divine law, arbitrarily changes the law of God and ignores the rights of the millions of our Catholic Americans. May God help us in this effort. Thank you for seeking God’s truth. God bless you. Father Victor Brown, O.P.
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