margaret sanger founded planned parenthood. she was an atheist, a socialist and a racist. These are some of her words:
"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
"Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock.".
"Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives."
As an advocate of birth control I wish ... to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the 'unfit' and the 'fit,' admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. In this matter, the example of the inferior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation.... On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.
"The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical with the final aims of eugenics."
"Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying ... demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism ... [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant ... We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."
"The third group [of society] are those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers. Many of this group are diseased, feeble-minded, and are of the pauper element dependent upon the normal and fit members of society for their support. There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped."
"[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children..."
Below are three pieces from PAUL GREENBERG Paul Greenberg is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial writer and columnist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. E-mail him at: [email protected]
It's better than a confession Posted: October 25, 2015 It isn't a confession, not at all, just a change in policy. That's how Planned Parenthood explained its decision to stop selling the most marketable parts of the unborn children it aborts every year. Which raises the obvious question: If there was nothing wrong with what Planned Parenthood was doing, why did it stop doing it? A widely circulated video shows one of the organization's top executives, Deborah Nucatola, sipping wine and munching on salad while she explains just how she positions her tiny victim so she can harvest the organs most in demand on the open market: "So then you're just kind of cognizant of where you put your graspers, you try to intentionally go above and below the thorax, so that, you know, we've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm going to basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact. And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it's not vertex, because when it's vertex presentation, you never have enough dilation at the beginning of the case, unless you have real, huge amount of dilation to deliver an intact calvarium." To translate into plain English, calvarium is the technical term for the head, which needs to be severed intact if it is to bring the highest price on the open market. Historical note: Back in the 19th Century, when the debate over the theory of evolution was still in its early, if not prenatal stage, a distinguished scientist of the time, Sir Charles Bell, cited the human hand as an example of what we today call intelligent design. He wrote a book, The Hand, Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments (1834), in which he waxed rhapsodic about the hand's remarkable qualities--mechanical, organic, and aesthetic: "The human hand is so beautifully formed, every effort of the will is answered so instantly, as if the hand itself were the seat of that will, that the very perfection of the instrument makes us insensible to its use." To quote a latter-day neuroscientist named Frank R. Wilson: "We notice our hands [only] when we are washing them, when our fingernails need to be trimmed, or when little brown spots and wrinkles crop up and begin to annoy us." But once the hand is severed from a fetus and displayed by itself on a small plate, like an hors d'oeuvre, it's bound to be noticed. And excite an instant reaction from those of us appalled by how Planned Parenthood has been marketing fetal body parts: "My God, what have we come to?" That's why Planned Parenthood's change of policy is better than a confession; it's a a realization that Planned Parenthood needs to change its ghastly ways. All of them. Out of sheer shame. Or is it still capable of shame? To quote Ross Douthat in the New York Times, "the problem these videos create for Planned Parenthood isn't just a generalized queasiness at surgery and blood. It's a very specific disgust, informed by reason and experience--the reasoning that notes that it's precisely a fetus' humanity that makes its organs valuable, and the experience of recognizing one's own children, on the ultrasound monitor and after, as something more than just 'products of conception' or tissue for the knife. That's why Planned Parenthood's apologists have fallen back on complaints about 'deceptive editing' (though full videos were released in both cases), or else simply asked people to look away. And it's why many of my colleagues in the press seem uncomfortable reporting on the actual content of the videos. Because dwelling on that content gets you uncomfortably close to . . . that moment when you start pondering the possibility that an institution at the heart of respectable liberal society is dedicated to a practice that deserves to be called barbarism." Here is the conclusion that those of us who value human life and a decent respect for it should come to after our first, visceral reaction to these videos: Planned Parenthood should be defunded fully and promptly by any government--local, state or federal--that has been subsidizing it. Not a penny, not a mill, of our tax money should go to support such modern, mercantile and literally cutting-edge barbarity.
---------- The growing case for life 5/22/2013
The jurisprudence of Her Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, may be only mediocre at best, but her candor deserves the highest praise. Every few years she'll pull back the judicial curtain and tell the rest of us what she thinks is really going on at the court. And shock anybody who can still be shocked at the court's motivations. Back in the summer of 2009, Madam Justice Ginsburg let the cat out of the bag, or rather the tiger, when she was talking about Roe v. Wade, the celebrated magna carta of abortion in this country:
"Reproductive choice has to be straightened out. There will never be a woman of means without choice any more. That just seems to me so obvious. The states that changed their abortion laws before Roe are not going to change back. So we have a policy that only affects poor women, and it can never be otherwise. ... Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."
Gentle Reader can just imagine what kind of population our contemporary Margaret Sanger in black robes must have had in mind when she spoke of the need to control its growth: the poor and despised. The kind of black and Hispanic and poor women with few resources who may feel they have no other choice but to submit themselves to a butcher like the infamous "Dr." Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia, or just your friendly neighborhood abortion mill run by Planned Parenthood.
And now Justice Ginsburg, a staunch advocate of legalized abortion, has come out against Roe v. Wade, saying it went too far too fast, and sparked a nationwide reaction that continues until this day. (And how.) "That was my concern," the distinguished justice told a crowd of law students at the University of Chicago this month, "that the court had given opponents of access to abortion a target to aim at relentlessly. ... My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum that was on the side of change."
On this occasion Madam Justice was more than candid; she was right -- certainly by all the barometers of public opinion and the trend of legislative enactments in state after state. Can anyone now recall the political atmosphere in 1973 when the court handed down Roe v. Wade, and it was taken almost as inevitable that the tide of abortions would now sweep over the whole country? "Supreme Court settles abortion issue," announced the front-page headline in the New York Times the day after Roe was handed down. The Times' news coverage proved as reliable then as it does now.
Instead of settling the abortion issue, the court's ruling initiated a Forty Years' War that continues to this day. Is there any great issue in American law that is less settled, or more unsettling, than Roe v. Wade? If so, it would be hard to think of one.
Even the most fervent fans of abortion admit that today their cause is on the wane, that they've lost the moral initiative in this struggle to win the minds and hearts of the American people. And are losing more of us every day.
To quote Frances Kissling, former president of Catholics for Choice, who now realizes her cause is in disarray, her side's "arguments may have worked in the 1970s, but today they are failing us. ... The 'pro-choice' brand has eroded considerably. ... We can no longer pretend that the fetus is invisible. ... It may not have a right to life, and its value may not be equal to that of the pregnant woman, but ending the life of a fetus is not a morally insignificant event."
Nothing so testifies to the ever growing strength of pro-life sentiment like such testimonials from the other side of this issue.
After some 40 years in the wilderness that this contentious debate has become, the momentum has shifted. Just since 2010, some 32 states have adopted more than 100 pro-life laws. Among them is one here in Arkansas, which is now being challenged in court, that bans abortions without a good medical reason after 12 weeks of the pregnancy.
Why this sea change in public opinion over the past four decades? Has the American conscience been aroused at last? Does it stir even among judges and law professors?
My theory is that neither law nor conscience explains this shift, but science. According to Roe, abortions for whatever reasons (or none at all) are permissible to the point of "viability," a legal rather than scientific term. And that point keeps being pushed back further and further till one day it will surely be recognized, as the biology texts have long informed us, that life begins at conception.
It is Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court's own malformed baby, that now proves unviable. With every scientific advance -- sonograms, neonatal medicine, centers for fetal diagnosis and treatment -- Roe grows less and less tenable. And the euphemisms used to dehumanize the unborn child -- zygote, blastocyst, fetus, "an undifferentiated mass of tissue" -- grow less and less convincing. How long before the Supreme Court of the United States wakes up?
The hope is that the Arkansas law will serve as the court's wake-up call on this issue, perhaps even a turning point. And when that day comes, Roe v. Wade will go the way ofDred Scott as a monument to the court's inhumanity, or just faulty reasoning.
But if the Arkansas law is struck down and advocates of abortion win this case on appeal, surely there will be others, and still others, till Roe is reversed, or just eroded decision by decision, till the exceptions to its rule become the rule. As with those state laws against partial-birth abortions that have been upheld. For if the Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg can see through Roe v. Wade, who can't?
A Moment of Clarity -- Thanks to the Race for the Cure 2/8/2012
Those who run the Komen foundation, and make a mighty good thing of it, too, sound confused in the worst way: morally confused.
Formally dedicated to finding a cure for breast cancer, Susan G. Komen for the Cure (R) has also been funding -- of all unrelated things -- the nation's largest provider, merchandiser and defender of abortions: Planned Parenthood.
The pink-ribbon people finally decided to cut off Planned Parenthood when that well-financed outfit came under congressional scrutiny for the way it handles its money.
The result was an outcry from Planned Parenthood and well-heeled company. A rhetorical donnybrook ensued. The social media went into a tizzy, as they regularly do. Pro-lifers upped their contributions to the Race for the Cure, while anti-lifers (excuse me, pro-choicers) threatened to stop theirs and finance Planned Parenthood instead. Money changed hands, or at least pledges to one nonprofit or the other did.
Then came the course correction. The Komen foundation announced it wouldn't be cutting off Planned Parenthood's water after all. Although just what it would be doing in the future wasn't entirely clear.
What a mess. And it's still unresolved. It's not easy trying to stay neutral between right and wrong. No wonder Dante gave those who manage to bring it off their own special circle in hell or vicinity thereof.
Come to think, the execs at the Komen foundation aren't confused at all. They know what they're after: the money. And whichever side of this raucous debate can provide more of it, or withhold more of it, can be assured of the Komen foundation's undying support. For the moment. Until a higher bid is made.
The succession of awkwardnesses in the Komen foundation's changing public stances and shifting explanations for them was only to be expected. It happens with organizations that have never really thought through first questions, like whether to cooperate with evil, to what extent, and at what cost, at least in dollars and cents. (The value of an organization's soul, if it has one, has yet to be calculated.)
The same phenomenon can be observed in the kind of people who wind up either ignoring moral questions or trying to minimize them. Hey, abortion is only a small percentage of Planned Parenthood's total activities, even if it represents a lot of the organization's income. And only a small percentage of the Komen foundation's funds goes to Planned Parenthood, even if it's a lot of money.
Nonprofits can be highly profitable in this country. Talk about doing well by doing good: Komen's CEO, Nancy Brinker, draws maybe half a million a year out of the charity's pot -- $459,406 in 2010, to be exact. Charity pays, at least for those who run one.
No question about it, Ms. Brinker directs a highly successful enterprise. And she may be worth every penny, even if she really screwed up this little matter and 24-hour sensation. But who cares about a moral scruple or two if the money keeps rolling in?
In a different era, when the infamous Supreme Court decision that divided the nation wasn't Roe v. Wade but Dred Scott, there were also those who thought the moral issue could be ignored, maybe indefinitely with any luck.
The Komen foundation's successive rationales bring to mind those genteel antebellum types who would say that of course they were opposed to human slavery but, then again, the Peculiar Institution was essential to the Southern economy and the nation's. And, really, it was all a peripheral issue that should not distract from the important things. Like keeping things as comfortable and accepted as they are. Why make trouble? Conscience is so inconvenient.
Now we're told that destroying the most innocent and vulnerable, the least of these, shouldn't be cause for such concern. How many babies in total does Planned Parenthood do away with every year anyway -- a few hundred thousand? Big deal.
It does so year in, year out, with the generous help of outfits like the Komen foundation and the federal government. Why make a fuss about it? Abortions are only a sideline at Planned Parenthood anyway, except maybe when it comes to its bottom line. Nine out of 10 pregnant women who enter a Planned Parenthood clinic get an abortion, according to its annual report for 2010. So what? Couldn't we all just look the other way?
This is the morally confused point any collective endeavor, public or private, may reach when, far from being concerned about doing the right thing, the overriding concern becomes how to keep the cash flowing in, the payroll met, the wheels grinding, the staff filled.
The best guide to what's going on here, confusing as it may seem to the poor observer who has to keep watching the Komen foundation change its mind, is the same principle that's so useful when it comes to figuring out politics: Follow the money.
The important consideration becomes not right and wrong, but ... Public Relations! And here we have a textbook example of Dale Carnegie in reverse: a lesson in how to lose friends and alienate people.
Right now, the Komen foundation and Planned Parenthood deserve the kind of PR problem both have so richly earned. For just a moment the frilly curtains have parted, the pretty pink ribbon untied, and we the people can see just where our money is going. It's not a pretty sight. Indeed, it's about as wholesome and uplifting as what goes on at your average abortion mill.
The Creator of life never had an unwanted or an unloved baby.
For fiscal year 2010 planned parenthood received 487,400,000 federal tax dollars and used our money to kill 329,445 babies in the womb.
For fiscal year 2012 planned parenthood killed 149 babies in the womb for each adoption referral they made.
United Way Sent $1.9 Million to planned parenthood in 2008
The two wealthiest Americans are donors to planned parenthood: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
( - In a lengthy interview with Bill Moyers released today, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates reveals the inspiration for his funding of pro-abortion population control measures. Responding to a question by Moyers on how he came to fund “reproductive issues” Gates answered, “When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of planned parenthood."
Corporate Donors to planned parenthood: Darden Restaurants (Bahama Breeze, The Capital Grille, LongHorn Steakhouse, Olive Garden, Red Lobster and Season 52) Ignite Restaurants, (Brickhouse, Tavern+Tap and Joe's Crab Shack) Hilton Worldwide (Doubletree, Embassy Suites, Hampton Inns/Suites, Hilton Garden Inn, Hilton Hotels, and Homewood Suites) Marriott Starwood (Four Point, Sheraton, W and Westin) Wyndham (Days Inn, Dream Hotels, Ramada, Howard Johnson, Travelodge and Super 8) Adobe eBay Midas Select Comfort Southwest Airlines Intuit (QuickBooks, Quicken & TurboTax) AOL Kohl's Mrs. Fields Staples Toys "R" Us Trader Joe's Walt Disney Circuit City Scolari's Food & Drug Black-jack Pizza Basics Office Products Lowe Enterprises George Weston (President's Choice products) Loblaws Kees Pfizer Whole Foods Market Kara-Line JPMorgan Chase (Chase Bank, & Bank One) Johnson & Johnson Bank of America (Merrill Lynch) Golub (Price Chopper & Mini Chopper) Lost Arrow (Patagonia) Nieman Marcus Unilever Time Warner (HBO & Cinemax) Wachovia, a Wells Fargo Company, owner of Wells Fargo Advisors (A. G. Edwards)
Being paid to kill: 1. PP North Texas, Dallas, TX (salary of previous CEO) $324,381
2. PP Mar Monte, San Jose, CA (Linda Williams) $315,950
3. PP Illinois, Chicago, IL (salary of previous CEO) $302,014
4. PP Hudson Peconic, Hawthorne, NY (Reina Schiffrin) $296,908
5. PP Northern New England, Williston,VT (Steve Trombley) $292,297
6. PP Orange & San Bernadino, Orange, CA (Joe Dunn) $278,871
7. PP Treasure Coast, West Palm Beach, FL (Lillian Tamayo) $275,238
9. PP Heartland, Des Moines, IA (Jill June) $265,389
10. PP Southern New England, New Haven, CT (Judy Tabar) $264,766
11. PP Great Northwest, Seattle, WA (Chris Charbonneau) $259,405
12. PP League of MA, Boston, MA (Dianne Luby) $256,474
Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was appointed to the board of directors of the Ford Foundation in February of 2010. She was named chair of the Finance Committee, which has major influence in determining what organizations and causes receive grants from the Foundation.
-------------------------------------------- De-Fund the Predators of Planned Parenthood Michelle Malkin Thanks to the persistent investigative work of young pro-life journalists, Planned Parenthood's ruthless, money-grubbing colors are on full, fresh YouTube display. But as shocking as the illicit new videos from Live Action Films are, the routine, parental authority-sabotaging advice the taxpayer-funded abortion racket gives teens every day deserves more front-page headline news, too. Live Action is a California-based "new media, investigative and educational organization committed to the protection and respect of all human life" led by Internet undercover pioneer Lila Rose. The group's latest video footage at abortion clinics in Perth Amboy, N.J., the Bronx and four cities in Virginia shows Planned Parenthood officials aiding and abetting individuals posing as criminal sex traffickers seeking abortions for underage girls. Abortion activists first attacked the videos as "doctored," then claimed they had already taken steps to rectify problems at the targeted clinics, then fired a worker after the tapes had been released and finally denied any systemic failures while patting Planned Parenthood on the back for ordering new re-training measures for their employees this week. Those who dismiss the scandal as an anomaly are in denial or abjectly ignorant. In 2007, while an undergrad at UCLA, Rose visited a local campus Planned Parenthood clinic posing as a 14-year-old minor seeking an abortion after being impregnated by a 23-year-old man. California's mandatory reporting laws require abortion providers to report statutory rape involving girls under the age of 16. Rose secretly captured video of her visit in which the staff advised her to "figure out a birth-date that works," to obtain the abortion and avoid getting the man in trouble with the law. Instead of vowing to do more to protect girls from predators, Planned Parenthood threatened to sue Rose to shut her up. That same year, a teenager came forward in Ohio to blow the whistle on how a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Cincinnati had ignored her cries for help after her father -- who had been molesting her for three years from the age of 13 -- forced her to have an abortion. She told an abortion staffer, who was required by state law to report suspected abuse to police. But the women's health provider so beloved by liberals on Capitol Hill did nothing. Another Ohio teenage victim of sexual abuse filed suit against Planned Parenthood after the soccer coach who abused her at age 14 forced her to undergo an abortion. "Although she used a junior-high school I.D. and the coach, 21, paid with a credit card and driver's license," the Coshocton (Ohio) Tribune reported, "Planned Parenthood failed to report the abuse." Pro-choice radicals assert that butchers like Philadelphia Horror abortion doc Kermit Gosnell -- charged along with his baby-killing death squad last month with multiple counts of murder, infanticide, conspiracy, abuse of corpse, theft and other offenses -- are an exception and that young girls and women who choose Planned Parenthood are "safe." Tell that to the Washington, D.C., family of 13-year-old Shantese Butler, who was left permanently injured and infertile after a botched Planned Parenthood abortion. Students for Life of America reported that Shantese was left with "severe abdominal bleeding, severe vaginal injury, severe injury to the cervix, significant uterine perforation and a small bowel tear." In addition, parts of the unborn child were found inside Shantese's abdomen. And don't forget the Nebraska Planned Parenthood clinic that refused to disclose the terms of a settlement with another victim whose botched abortion resulted in a perforated uterus, massive blood loss, an emergency hysterectomy, permanent infertility, seizures and lifelong pain and suffering. According to the suit obtained by Life News, the woman told the abortionist and his assistants to stop, but was told: "We can't stop." The Planned Parenthood employees held her down to complete the procedure. None of this is disclosed on Planned Parenthood's informational website aimed at teenage girls, of course. Instead, the group aggressively advises pregnant girls under 18 on how to avoid telling their parents about visiting their abortion clinics through a process known as "judicial bypass." Through its "award-winning" website Teenwire, Planned Parenthood ideologues normalize teen sexual activity, peddle their "family planning" services, whitewash the physical and moral consequences of abortion, downplay the long-term psychological consequences and circumvent parental authority at every opportunity. What other enterprise receives taxpayer support to entice children to hide their health decisions from their own mothers and fathers? Planned Parenthood is a $1-plus billion business that rakes in one-third of its budget from government grants and contracts at both the state and federal levels. Congress has interrogated banking, energy, health insurance, tobacco and oil execs -- treating them like serial killers before the cameras. When will they finally de-fund a corrupt industry that has real blood on its hands? --------------------------------------------
The Philadelphia Horror: How Mass Murder Gets a Pass Michelle Malkin Let's give the "climate of hate" rhetoric a rest for a moment. It's time to talk about the climate of death, in which the abortion industry thrives unchecked. Dehumanizing rhetoric, rationalizing language and a callous disregard for life have numbed America to its monstrous consequences. Consider the Philadelphia Horror. In the City of Brotherly Love, hundreds of babies were murdered by a scissors-wielding monster over four decades. Whistleblowers informed public officials at all levels of the wanton killings of innocent life. But a parade of government health bureaucrats and advocates protecting the abortion racket looked the other way -- until, that is, a Philadelphia grand jury finally exposed the infanticide factory run by abortionist Kermit B. Gosnell, M.D., and a crew of unlicensed, untrained butchers masquerading as noble providers of women's "choice." Prosecutors charged Gosnell and his death squad with multiple counts of murder, infanticide, conspiracy, abuse of corpse, theft and other offenses. The 281-page grand jury report released Wednesday provides a bone-chilling account of how Gosnell's "Women's Medical Society" systematically preyed on poor, minority pregnant women and their live, viable babies. The report's introduction lays out the criminal enterprise that claimed the lives of untold numbers of babies -- and mothers: "This case is about a doctor who killed babies and endangered women. What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy -- and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors. The medical practice by which he carried out this business was a filthy fraud in which he overdosed his patients with dangerous drugs, spread venereal disease among them with infected instruments, perforated their wombs and bowels -- and, on at least two occasions, caused their deaths. Over the years, many people came to know that something was going on here. But no one put a stop to it." Echoing the same kind of dark euphemisms plied by Planned Parenthood propagandists who refer to unborn life as "fetal and uterine material," Gosnell referred to his deadly trade as "ensuring fetal demise." Reminiscent of the word wizards who refer to the skull-crushing partial-birth abortion procedure as "intact dilation and evacuation" and "intrauterine cranial decompression," Gosnell described his destruction of babies' spinal cords as "snipping." He rationalized his macabre habit of cutting off dead babies' feet and saving them in rows and rows of specimen jars as "research." His guilt-ridden employees then took photos of some of the victims before dumping them in shoeboxes, paper bags, one-gallon spring-water bottles and glass jars. They weren't the only ones who adopted a see-no-evil stance: -- The Pennsylvania Department of Health knew of clinic violations dating back decades, but did nothing. -- The Pennsylvania Department of State was "repeatedly confronted with evidence about Gosnell" -- including the clinic's unclean, unsterile conditions, unlicensed workers, unsupervised sedation, underage abortion patients and over-prescribing of pain pills with high resale value on the street -- "and repeatedly chose to do nothing." -- Philadelphia Department of Public Health officials who regularly visited Gosnell's human waste-clogged offices did nothing. -- Nearby hospital officials who treated some of the pregnant mothers who suffered grave complications from Gosnell's butchery did nothing. -- An unnamed evaluator with the National Abortion Federation, the leading association of abortion providers that is supposed to uphold strict health and legal standards, determined that Gosnell's chamber of horrors was "the worst abortion clinic she had ever inspected" -- but did nothing. Meanwhile, the death racketeers have launched a legislative and regulatory assault across the country on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers from New York City to Baltimore, Austin and Seattle that offer abortion alternatives, counseling and family services to mostly poor, vulnerable minority women. Already, left-wing journalists and activists have rushed to explain that these abortion atrocities ignored for four decades by abortion radicals and rationalizers are not really about abortion. A Time magazine writer argued that the Philadelphia Horror was "about poverty, not Roe v. Wade." A University of Minnesota professor declared: "This is not about abortion." But the grand jury itself pointed out that loosened oversight of abortion clinics enacted under pro-choice former GOP Gov. Tom Ridge enabled Gosnell's criminal enterprise -- and led to the heartless execution of hundreds of babies. Mass murder got a pass in the name of expanding "access" and appeasing abortion lobbyists. As the report made clear: "With the change of administration from (pro-life Democratic) Gov. Casey to Gov. Ridge," government health officials "concluded that inspections would be 'putting a barrier up to women' seeking abortions. Better to leave clinics to do as they pleased, even though, as Gosnell proved, that meant both women and babies would pay." Deadly indifference to protecting life isn't tangential to the abortion industry's existence -- it's at the core of it. The Philadelphia Horror is no anomaly. It's the logical, bloodcurdling consequence of an evil, eugenics-rooted enterprise wrapped in feminist clothing. --------------------------------------------
Obama Admin Targets Pro-Lifers in FBI Training Forum With Pro-Abortion Orgs Steven Ertelt Editor 9/30/10 Documents obtained today reveal the Obama administration partnered with leading pro-abortion organizations to host an FBI training seminar in August with the main focus of declaring as "violent" the free speech activities of pro-life Americans. On August 25, 2010, the FBI and the United States Department of Justice co-sponsored a training seminar with Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation and the Feminist Majority Foundation. When information about the seminar, which took place at FBI headquarters in Portland, Oregon, reached pro-life advocates, they asked officials for permission to attend and were granted access to the seminar and the training materials. FBI and Obama administration officials provided participants with an 84-page document entitled “Resource Guide: Violence Against Reproductive Health Care Providers" that contained print copies of Power Point presentations prepared by the Justice Department and an analysis of alleged pro-life "violence" prepared by the pro-abortion groups. The so-called violence perpetrated by pro-life advocates mostly contained examples of constitutionally-protected free speech, including activities such as praying, providing women outside abortion centers with alternatives information, and peaceful protesting or picketing. Matt Bowman, a top attorney at the Alliance Defense Fund, told today that the cooperation between the Obama administration and pro-abortion organizations to target pro-life free speech should cause alarm. "The information presented in the seminar raises serious concerns over the United States government’s treatment of nonviolent free speech activities as 'violence' subject to investigation and prosecution," he said. "Abortionist organizations have long lobbied to use the law to silence free speech activities. But in this seminar the FBI and USDOJ included those views in their own training seminar materials," he added. "This raises serious concerns about the United States government investigating peaceful, legal free speech activity in efforts that are ostensibly aimed at violence." The Obama administration documents, on page 39-41 specifically list the names of pro-life organizations and websites sponsored by peaceful nonviolent groups. Some of the organizations named in the FBI/DOJ seminar materials include 40 Days for Life, the ACLJ, Concerned Women for America, National Right to Life, Priests for Life, and Students for Life of America. Julie Abbate of USDOJ, who presented at the seminar, is the attorney who filed a federal lawsuit in August 2010 against a pro-life advocate solely for leafleting while, allegedly, one time, crossing a driveway in front of an abortion center. "The lawsuit is further evidence that USDOJ is putting its resources into prosecuting peaceful activity on public sidewalks, rather than violence," Bowman said. Looking at some of the examples of pro-life free speech pegged as violence, pages 5 and 20 discuss and tabulate “violence statistics” including “disruption,” but define “disruption” as including “picketing,” which accounts for almost 90% of all the incidents listed in the FBI, USDOJ materials. An entire section of the document is devoted to laws that address non-violent picketing in residential locations, at pages 77-84, as do the FMF surveys relied on in “The History of Violence,” page 11. “The History of Clinic Violence” includes “the use of huge anti-abortion posters” on college and university campuses, and it identifies “boycotts against abortion providers" as another example. It complains of “the ability to publish almost anything on the Internet,” and of free speech lawsuits. These are all summarized as “The landscape of violence and harassment aimed at abortion providers.” On page 67, the Justice Department says prosecuting federal law includes “gathering evidence” on “Leaflets or pamphlets” that pro-life targets are distributing, and “Signs [the] suspect was carrying.” The documents indicate Planned Parenthood "maintain[s] a database of names, photos, license plate etc. of anti-choice groups and individuals” and that they work “proactively” with local law enforcement. Pages 18 and 19 summarize an FMF survey discussing “intimidation,” and includes the distribution of leaflets labeled “Pamphlets Targeting Staff,” and any “noise disturbance.” These would include leaflets that warn women that specific abortion practitioners have killed women in botched abortions. This free speech activity constitutes a significant percent of the survey activities labeled “intimidation.” The joint Obama administration-pro-abortion FBI training seminar follows on the heels of the Department of Homeland Security engaging in several instances of tracking or monitoring pro-life advocates and concluding they represent a security threat. Last year, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano included pro-lifers in a report ondomestic terrorism. In the document, the Department of Homeland Security warned law officials about a supposed rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the poor economy and presence of a black president could spark problems. According to the Washington Times, a footnote attached to the nine-page report from the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis said the activities of pro-life advocates is included in "rightwing extremism in the United States.” "It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning said. After that, in May 2009, details emerged about a terrorism dictionary the administration had put together in March. The Domestic Extremism Lexicon called pro-life advocates violent and claims they employ racist overtones in engaging in criminal actions. In February 2010, DOHS admitted it conducted an improper threat assessment of pro-life advocates in Wisconsin before an expected rally last year in response to the University of Wisconsin Hospital board decided to allow abortions. In February 2009, an Oklahoma man with a homemade pro-life sign on his vehicle was pulled over and harassed by police for allegedly making a threat against the president.
OPERATION RESCUE Kansas Conspiracy Theory Troy Newman August 19, 2010 Abortion giant Planned Parenthood just released its 2008-2009 annual report, and the stats are startling and saddening.
Planned Parenthood received $363 million in government grants and contracts -- our tax dollars -- from 2008 to 2009 alone.
During this same time period, Planned Parenthood destroyed the lives of 324,008 unborn babies and wounded that many mothers.
While aborting 324,008 babies, Planned Parenthood made just 9,433 adoption referrals.
-------------------------------------------- Former Abortion Worker to Receive First Abortion Whistleblower Reward of $25,000 January 20, 2011 Washington, DC - On the 38th memorial of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion in America, Operation Rescue's Abortion Whistleblower's Program will present a check to former abortion worker Kim Nichols for $25,000 as a reward for information which led to the arrest and conviction of an abortionist who broke the law. Nichols came forward to blow the whistle on her former boss, abortionist Rapin Osathanondh, after Laura Hope Smith died from an abortion at Osathanondh's Hyannis, Massachusetts, abortion clinic in 2007. Nichols will be presented with the $25,000 reward at a pro-life rally on Saturday, January 22, 2011, at 7:00 PM at the Neelsville Presbyterian Church, 20701 Frederick Road, Germantown, MD 20876. Wracked with guilt over Laura's needless death and refusing to go along with Osathanondh's illegal efforts to conceal his negligence, Nichols worked with Laura's mother, Eileen Smith, to bring Osathanondh to justice. In turn, Smith was advised by Operation Rescue. "Due to Nichol's courageous and truthful testimony before the Massachusetts Board of Physicians, Osathanondh was declared a danger to the public. His two abortion clinics were closed and he surrendered his medical license, rather than suffer the humiliation of revocation. Nichol's testimony was the basis for criminal charges that resulted in Osathanondh's conviction and incarceration on the charge of involuntary manslaughter for causing the death of Laura Smith. She did all of this while enduring threats and harassment from Osathanondh who attempted to frighten and intimidate her into silence," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We are proud to present our first $25,000 reward to Kim Nichols and pray that her brave commitment to the truth encourages other clinic workers who have witnessed abortion abuses to do the right thing and tell the authorities what they know." Read Nichol's dramatic story, "Blowing the Whistle: How one abortion worker allowed the truth to set her free-and put an abortionist behind bars." The Abortion Whistleblower's program provides a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law. Operation Rescue acknowledges that credible information concerning abortion abuses in several states has already been received from several abortion industry insiders. That information is currently working its way through the system. --------------------------------------------
Practitioner Loses License, Killed Woman in Failed Abortion Jan 2011 Andrew Rutland, a southern California abortion practitioner, has agreed to give up his medical license a second time over a case involving his killing a woman in a botched abortion. Rutland killed an Asian woman in a failed abortion — as the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office ruled the death of Ying Chen a homicide. The botched abortion was done in July 2009 at a filthy and ill-equipped acupuncture clinic in San Gabriel that Rutland ran where he also did abortions. Rutland killed Chen by administering anesthesia to her and not knowing the proper dosage. He injected lidocaine, a local anesthetic, in her cervix and the woman began to have an immediate reaction. The abortion practitioner began to perform CPR but state medical board documents say there was a “significant delay” in him calling 911 for emergency medical help for the woman. Ying was in cardiac arrest when the ambulance arrived and was taken to a hospital, where she died six days later. An autopsy revealed Rutland gave the woman the wrong dosage of the anesthesia. According to the Orange County register, Rutland will surrender his medical license on February 11 rather than face disciplinary proceedings on the allegations of gross negligence related to Chen’s death. He did not admit his guilt related to the botched abortion in making the agreement with the California Medical Board, which says Rutland acknowledges the board could establish “factual basis” for one or more charges other than the homicide. Full story at --------------------------------------------
Ex-Planned Parenthood Director’s New Book Exposes Abortion Biz Steven Ertelt 12/22/10 Former Planned Parenthood abortion facility director Abby Johnson was sitting at her desk when a co-worker at the center asked for some help with a woman getting an abortion. “I could not have imagined how the next ten minutes would shake the foundation of my values and change the course of my life,” she says in her new book “Unplanned,” an expose of the abortion business and the abortion industry. Johnson ran that abortion facility — a Planned Parenthood “clinic” in Bryan, Texas, the home of Texas A&M University. She spent ten minutes assisting with an ultrasound-guided abortion, and her reflection on it would change her life as she stepped down from her position. “Oh, dear God,” she writes, “what had I done?” In “UnPlanned,” Johnson tells the dramatic story of the journey that unfolded as a result of that fateful day in September 2009 and how she literally “crossed the fence” from Planned Parenthood leader to an advocate fighting for women in crisis – and the lives of their unborn babies. Johnson shares that story in detail that is intimate and, as a result, unnerving.“UnPlanned” is not an easy book to read; it’s also not an easy book to put down. She realizes both are true. “Here’s my question for you,” she writes in “A Note from Abby Johnson,” which immediately precedes Chapter 1: “…are you ready to look through the (pro-life/pro-choice) fence and see goodness, compassion, generosity and self-sacrifice on the other side? “Did you just feel yourself squirm? If so, welcome to my journey.” After Johnson quit her position with Planned Parenthood, the abortion business failed in its bid to silence her. It had pushed for a restraining order on Abby Johnson and a pro-life group that helped her conversion. Planned Parenthood officials hit both Johnson and the Coalition for Life with restraining orders requiring them not to disclose information about the abortions done at its facility. But District Judge J.D. Langley issued a ruling saying Planned Parenthood did not provide sufficient evidence that Johnson breached a confidentiality agreement concerning identity of an abortion practitioner who works at Planned Parenthood. Judge Langley also ruled that Planned Parenthood provided no evidence to back up its allegations that Johnson took confidential patient records out of Planned Parenthood on the day she resigned. The judge also denied a Planned Parenthood request to prevent Johnson from seeking any lawsuit until a trial or any other court action had been made. The court decision opened the door for her to offer more specifics about her work at Planned Parenthood and the reasons she resigned. Since her departure from Planned Parenthood, Johnson’s story has received major media attention at a time when abortion has become the central issue in the national debate over health care reform. “Stories like Abby’s have a purpose,” says Fr. Frank Pavone, the national director of Priests for Life. “If we can better understand why someone has an abortion or how someone gets into the abortion industry and then how she comes out, we can come to understand the key to how our entire society can begin to emerge from the darkness of abortion.” “Abby is not the first; she will not be the last,” Fr. Pavone continues. “She is part of a great ‘cloud of witnesses.’ I thank her for her courage, as I do to all who share their painful stories.”